Power Station Obermaubach commissioned

Drinking water power station Maubach with 2-nozzle Pelton turbine and complete electric control equipment was successfully integrated into the existing sophisticated power and control system of the water distribution system.

Hydraulic Steel Structures project in Swiss Alps

Wiegert & Bähr was selected supplier for the complete hydraulic steel structures and trashrack with trashrack cleaner for this project at extreme mountainous and weather conditions.

Start of Installation in Willstätt

This new power station is equipped with one Wiegert & Bähr Kaplan turbine. At a head of 5,15 m the turbine produces an output of 1.2 MW. The generator is of the permanent magnetic water-cooled type.

Energy Recovery from Drinking Water in Düren

Wiegert & Bähr recieve order for energy recovery turbine of 15 km drinking water pipeline. The 2-nozzle Pelton turbine has an output of 170 kW.