Posts by category
- Category: Common news
- Welcome to the team
- Welcome to the team
- News at Wiegert & Bähr
- Welcome to the team
- 27th International User Forum on Small Hydropower
- Welcome to the team
- Employee party as part of the EM betting game award celebration
- Wiegert & Bähr on a tour of discovery in the international project business
- Congratulations to the U17 juniors
- Welcome to the team
- Visit of our business partner from Australia
- Marketing Day 2024
- FAT of a new flap gate
- International exhibition visit
- Exchange with Mr Löffler from the IHK
- New at Wiegert & Bähr …
- Welcome to the team
- Incoming orders in the international project business
- Turbine overhaul of a 1.14 MW Kaplan turbine
- Wiegert & Bähr supports the F-Youth of VfB Bühl
- Welcome to the team
- Listen in, podcast with Managing Director Markus Rest
- Congratulations Altin Sadrija
- Company outing for the 60th anniversary
- 26th International User Forum for Small Hydropower Plants
- Completion of a successful project
- Welcome to the team, Florian
- The team of Wiegert & Bähr
- The anticipation is rising
- Congratulations
- International visitors at Wiegert & Bähr
- Welcome to the team
- New production manager at Wiegert & Bähr
- Visit to the new hydropower plant of the “Thüringischen Fernwasserversorgung”
- Wiegert & Bähr supports the women’s team of VfB Unzhurst
- Welcome to the team – Felix Kobel
- Editorial visit to Renchner Muhrhag
- Energy Recovery in drinking water systems, summary of the essay from our German website
- hydro go electric
- Change in Management
- Wiegert & Bähr aided KIT- students
- Fish overcome large level difference with W&B fish lift, Kraftwerk Eglisau- Glattfelden, Switzerland
- Sector gate for Rio Colorado, Chile
- Turbine installations Arnstadt und Bienstädt, Germany
- Inauguration of hydro power station Bürglen, Switzerland
- Inauguration of hydro power station Metzeral / Alsace, France
- Modernisation and revision of the power plants on the upper Danube
- Hydraulic Steel Construction completed at Rotzloch power station in Switzerland
- Energy Recovery in Drinking Water Systems
- Public inauguration of Willstätt powerstation
- Power Station Obermaubach commissioned
- Hydraulic Steel Structures project in Swiss Alps
- Start of Installation in Willstätt
- Energy Recovery from Drinking Water in Düren
- Category: Job offers